Wednesday, January 03, 2007

This blogs for you... (you know who you are)

I think I need to define my thinking of the word "friend". There are those I consider to be 'close friends' and those I will for clarity sake call 'postcard friends'. Well 'postcard friends' are those ones you talk to maybe a couple times a year.... not someone you think to call when something great or tragic happens. They get the Christmas letter with the years events as you get theirs.

Then there are the 'close friends' you know the ones you call just to say hi. The ones that know all the intimate little things about you that you don't go around telling everybody. The ones who are there for you when you need to talk, the ones that you actually let see you cry. And you know that is not something many of you have seen me do. So if you have... well you figure it out. The ones you would drive all night for if they needed you to be there for them.

You talk to them with confidence knowing that they know the true you, and you can trust them to. But what if you find out they don't trust you with them details? That someone you have thought of as a 'close friend' for years actually thinks of you as a 'postcard friend'? There is something to come to terms with...... and yeah I admit not easy to do. But, well I have overcame harder things throughout my life, so I am sure I will overcome this as well. Though as with any loss, the loss of trust takes time. Especially cause that is not something I give away easily.


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