Charlie Bear
Here is Charlie Bear.... His story is told along with Tigger's, as they were found together. Now with him, we went to the rescue to get a friend, singular, for Cocoa and our son. But both Sandy and ourselves couldn't seperate these two. They had come through so much together already in their short lives, just was not right to seperate them now. So Charlie came home with us as well. Probably one of the best decisions we have ever made. This lil boy just finds his way into everyone's heart he comes near. He is the most mellow, cuddly, and sweetest cat I think I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He gets soo relaxed on my bed sometimes he literally slides right off the edge. As soon as he hits the floor he starts purring and rubs along the edge of the bed, as if apologizing to it. The other animals, the children in my daycare, my kids, my friends, anyone he sees pretty much is his buddy. Just not enough words for me to express the personality of this lil boy. I am just thankful for having him around.
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