Saturday, August 12, 2006


Here is our Tigger girl.... she is now about 5 months old we are guessing. We went to a rescue group to adopt a kitten to help tame Cocoa and give her a friend. This is how we came to find Tigger and actually Charlie Bear as well. They were found in a building that was scheduled to be bulldozed that day. Over twenty other cats were captured there the week before and it was believed they had caught them all. But then these two were found, they were very sick and malnourished by this time. Nobody even knew if they would survive. But Sandy (a foster mom for the rescue) fed them by eye dropper until they were strong enough to eat on their own.

My son just lost his cat... so when we went up to the rescue it was up to him which one we came home with. And well Tigger just stole his heart. She is very playful and energetic, not much of a cuddler. But when he bent to pet her she jumped onto him and didn't move til we left. So we knew it was a match.

She is still very playful, and well waaay too curious. Tends to get herself locked into things she shouldn't be in, quite often. Such a beautiful addition to our lives.


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