What is it that invades children over Christmas vacation? I swear these are not my kids. One minute they are playing happily together and the next they are at each others throats. Swear something invades them at the beginning of any vacation and chases the sweetness right out the door. Conspiracy against parents and sanity. Scientists testing the adults of America... what exactly is the breaking point? And where in the meantime do they store our real children at? Anyone know?
Okay I need to come to terms with my bird. My cute lil adorable Tyson has a new name... he is actually a she.. so now is called Willow. Having a hard time accepting this, but male birds do not lay eggs. How did I not realize he was a she. I mean not like you can lift the feathers and look or anything. But now that I think about it she has more female characteristics about her than I really paid attention to. My lil boy is a mom *cry. Don't know why but ever since I put my female cat to sleep 12 yrs ago, I have only had male pets as my own. My husband and sons have females, but I don't. Well until now I guess. Not getting rid of my lil *sigh*, girl, just because he is a she. Have to admit I am not at all happy with the pet store right now though. We purposely bought two MALE birds for a reason. At least they were correct about Gunner. And honestly he has been quite happy lately... little pervert. Jumps her any chance he can get. Disturbing us since we always looked at them like brothers. *shivers*
Anyhow, she is a beautiful bird and I am sure she will make a wonderful mom. Now I know at least why she prefers me and mean to everyone else. Females are like that... hehe ... but ya know ya love us :)
video games
I took Cyndher out of "The Shadow Stalkers" and joined another guild. Amazingly hard decision for me. Actually I broke down and cried, and didn't play for over a week after doing that. Then thought about it and reminded myself "Girl this is a video game, get over it." Charizma is still in the guild, so I still talk to everyone, not a complete loss. Getting used to the new guild now with cyndher, still not the same but not all bad either. Strange the relationships you can build while playing a video game huh? Anyways... Cyndher is now level 58 :) whohoooo!!! Charizma isn't far behind at 55. Sooo not gonna let my main toon be passed up by my alt though. Working to hit 60 whenever I have the spare time to play between work and family. Well now is such a time, so off I go!