Friday, November 18, 2005


Last night was Andy's first band concert!!! He was sooo nervous, he thought for sure he would mess it up for everybody. Oh my gosh they were soo good. We were just amazed at how good they all sounded. Just didn't expect that from a school band. Guess we went to the wrong schools lol. Anyhow, Andrew just started the trombone at the end of September and has already been placed into the advanced band. He just loves music. We were a lil shocked when he chose to play the trombone, it being the same height as him. But he really enjoys it. He also plays piano, keyboards, scottish whistle, and recorder. He started the guitar but there is nobody here to give lessons for him to advance with that any further. Wouldn't be shocked a bit if he became a music teacher. On the other hand he is his own worst critic. But I am proud of my lil boy :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

pit bulls

Okay I need to get this off my chest. Pit Bulls in general are not a born to fight breed. I am soooo tired of people automatically freaking out when they hear 'pit bull'. We tell someone we have a Staffordshire Terrier and they are like "oh cool, okay"... but you call them a pit bull and oh my gosh. Have you ever watched animal planet and how so many people treat these animals? Automatically think they should be mean because of their breed. Just pisses me off beyond words on what these animals go through.
I personally have two PIT BULLS, and they are the kindest gentlest dogs I have ever owned. Even though they were both abused.
Timber... our first adopted pit, was beaten and abandoned. She was very malnourished and has seizures from the abuse. But this dog is so full of personality, friendly, loving, literally afraid of flies. She actually will run from them lol :) It is horrid what she was put through before the Humane Society found her. A few days of love in our home and she just blossomed. And has the most amazing dances to show her different moods. How could anyone with a soul ever have hurt this animal?
Our second one, Khera, we adopted six months ago. She is 3 and a half now. Our son just fell in love with her while up walking dogs at the Humane Society. So she is now a part of the family. Can't imagine life without her. Sweetest puppy dogs eyes, just wants love, love, and more love. She was taken from her owner for abuse. She was sent here from another state to live with this guy, since that state has banned pit bulls in general. (whole nother issue I have) So this guy's son sent him here so he wouldn't be put down. Well she was pregnant, he left her outside with minimal shelter and did the bare minimum to care for her. She had them puppies alone outside. When they were about 6 weeks old he was spotted dragging them down the road tied behind his bicycle. Said he was trying to train them to run. Whatever :( So on a better note... the Humane Society got the puppies and mother. She does have some issues.. can tell she was not used to being indoors. But potty trained in days, learned what furniture was not permitted and such. Very anxious to please. Just wants attention and love. Still afraid of the rain, will not go outdoors even if its barely sprinkling out, to go the bathroom. But we understand and love her none the less.
So before you judge the dog by the breed, please realize any breed can be aggressive, and any breed can be gentle. It all depends on the individual dog and their individual situations.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


While doing my never ending job of dishes and laundry today I, as usual, went off into my own lil world of thought. Thinking about my beautiful boys. All that they mean to me, individually. When they were lil people always mistook them as twins, though they are 23 months apart in age. My oldest son, Andy, is rather small for his age. While my youngest, Bran, is shorter than average he is fairly close in size to his peers. So, for many years now they have been pretty close to the same size. Bran is 30 pounds heavier than his older brother, but alas, and Andy is quick to point out... he is still shorter. I was thinking, I love them both so much, yet relate to them each so differently, individually. Andy and me will go off into these conversations and debates for hours. Politics, religion, history, science... whatever is the topic of the moment. He just amazes me with his insights and how he connects them together in ways I had not thought about, yet makes so much sense, I fail to see how I missed connecting them myself. He is a very bright child, well pre-teen now (sigh). They grow so fast. When it comes to school he is on top of it. Strives to understand, and compelled to exceed. Sometimes to his own detriment I must add. Don't like to catagorize my children, but for lack of a better word he is an overachiever. On the other hand when it comes to chores or any manual labor with him... beware. This is not something he is at all compelled to do, and makes it very clearly known. Considers it a total waste of his time. Study, sports, friends, and playing instruments... that is how he is meant to spend his time.
Than there is his lil brother... best friends.. worst enemy.
Brandon is a hands on man. Caring, compassionate, very hard working lil boy. Could care less about politics and history mind you. But when it comes to fixing the plumbing, cleaning the yard, working on a car, so on and so forth... he is the one who jumps to it. Whether you want help or not, he is gonna. He spends hours constructing things. Which we try to offer him many ways in which to do this. He has his own tools and dad brings home pipes, wood, whatever left over junk is laying around, and Brandon goes to town with it. Legos, K'nex, erector sets, too many too name... these are the toys that capture his attention. He won't watch tv for any extended time, or play video games for that matter, for very long. He wants to build, create. He loves to help me in the kitchen, cooking, cleaning, whatever it may be. The thrill in his eyes when he finishes a project, be it making cookies or rotating tires on the car, is spiritually lifting. I can not explain it.

I have so much love and respect for those two boys, yet in such different ways. They are each so unique, yet so much alike at times. The way they love animals and family, or nature, and archery. They have so much in common, yet are complete opposites of the other. They are individuals, and proud to be, yet they are united as one. Such a bond between them, sometimes they argue without saying a word. Just a look at the other, and they understand. Or will sit there and play and one knows what the other wants or needs. Just mystifies me.

I learn so much from them, as individuals, and as a pair. And I thank my heavenly father every minute of every day for the blessing he has bestowed upon my life when he gave me those two lil boys :)

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Got so much to do but too lazy to get up and do any of it today. Other than daycare and dinner I doubt I will accomplish a thing. Life shall go on either way... so why stress. Know I better get a post on here though before hot chicky thinks I forgot my addy. lol :)
What was I thinking when I agreed to take that pair of mating birds in? I love cockatiels, two in particular. Gunner and my baby Tyson. They will be a year old next month... so much personality. But them other two... evil I tell ya. They are slowly taming, very slowly. Don't hiss and bite at me when I feed them anymore. Dance and listen when I talk to them..beautiful pair. But oh watch your back with them. So how come I thought I could get a hand tamed gentle baby from them. I held him from day one, everyday. Handfed him starting at 2 1/2 weeks of age. He would hiss and squawk at me .. unless I had food. Now he is 6 weeks old and a mean lil thing. Cant get near him or not.. without him trying to take your hand off. Any suggestions?

Saturday, November 05, 2005


It's raining...and my server is down :( Is it a conspiracy against my saturday morning or what? Havent had a chance to play in a few days until now ... well guess not now either *cry. So here I am instead starting this new blog. My place to go now when I can not log onto WoW (world of warcraft). I love to play in my free time, well most anytime really, addict-that is me. Not ashamed of it .. love that game. I play a night elf hunter on the silvermoon server anytime I am soloing it. Otherwise it is my rogue, my cute lil deadly gnome rogue. She teams with my husband's dwarven pally. Good 'lil' team if I do say so myself. My brother, father, and oldest son play as I guess you can say it is a family addiction. Has helped reunite me with my father though. Have not seen him in 20 years...never really had anything to talk about when we would call one another every few years or so. Until now... now we talk almost everyday, thanks to this game. So addictions have perks sometimes. Guess I am rambling on, well that is me, a rambler. Foremost I am a mom... my life revolves around my husband and two sons. My three most treasured gifts in this world. I met my hubby when I was 15 and we have been unseperatable since :) I have a 12 yr old son.. Andy, and a 10 yr old son.. Brandon.. aka 'dough'. Long story how that name came about... future posting maybe. Well for now time to go see if my server is back up *crossing fingers.